Big Brother 25 Week 13 featured another Power of Veto ceremony, and fans of the show wish to find out who the winner is. Did he/she use it to save someone from the chopping block? Here’s all you need to know.

Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Who won the Power of Veto ceremony in Week 13?
Jag Bains won the Power of Veto ceremony in week 13 of Big Brother 25.
This was Jag’s sixth win. It allowed him to tie with Michael Bruner’s record for most Power of Veto wins, which was set in Big Brother 24. Now, it’ll be interesting to see whether Jag Bains creates a new record of winning the Power of Veto competition in the coming weeks.
However, his win totally saved him this week because Matt was talking to Cirie about giving him the boot. That isn’t possible anymore.
Who did Matt Klotz nominate using the Power of Veto?
Matt Klotz, the Head of the Household, nominated Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields for eviction.
After nominating the two, Matt’s intention was to target Felicia to get evicted next. But despite promising Cirie that he’d never betray her, Bowie and Jag convinced him to send her to the Jury house instead of Felicia. Cirie did extremely well for herself in the Power of Veto competition and could be a strong contender moving on. So, it had to be her.
Furthermore, the live feeds of Big Brother 25 also confirmed that Jag did not use his ability as the winner of the Power of Veto ceremony to save either Felicia or Cirie. He didn’t do so because then Bowie would automatically be nominated and they’d lose control of the vote.
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