Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 is the third installment in the popular animated series that derives its plot from Marvel comics. This time out, the Guardians of the Galaxy descend to Earth to repair their ship. However, when Titus targets Nova’s helmet along with the Chitauri, the Guardians enlist the help of Spider-Man to stop them. Spidey also dreams of joining the Avengers but Loki stops him in his tracks through a series of menacing schemes.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 via streaming services such as Disney Plus.
Is Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 is available to watch via streaming on Disney Plus.
Season three opens with the arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy who seem to have damaged their ship. Simultaneously, ex-Nova Corps member Titus and his Chitauri troops launch an attack to target Nova’s helmet. As a result, Spider-Man and the Guardians join hands to take down Titus. Meanwhile, Spidey’s dream of becoming an Avenger hits a roadblock when Loki switches bodies with him and turns his friends into foes. Elsewhere, Flash Thompson bonds with an alien entity to gain powers.
The animated series packs a talented voice cast, featuring Drake Bell, who portrays the titular Spider-Man. The supporting cast also includes J.K. Simmons, Misty Lee, Ogie Banks, Mark Hamill, Grant George, Debby Ryan, and Peyton List, among others.
Watch Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 streaming via Disney Plus
Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 is available to watch on Disney Plus. The American streaming platform is widely known for the variety of content it harbors. Aside from titles from Marvel, a subscription to Disney Plus will also give you access to the complete oeuvre of Pixar, Lucasfilm, and National Geographic.
The synopsis of Ultimate Spider-Man Season 3 is as follows:
“Spider-Man officially joins the Avengers, but after a fight with Loki, Doctor Octopus, and a group of Norse creatures (Ulik the Savage – Rock Trolls, Frost Dragons, Frost Giants, Fenris Wolf) bonded with the revived Venom symbiote, he chooses to resign and remain with S.H.I.E.L.D. In the aftermath, the symbiote permanently bonds with Flash Thompson to become Agent Venom and Spider-Man is tasked by Nick Fury to recruit other young heroes to form the New Warriors.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.