Black Doves is an upcoming thriller series created and written by Joe Barton for Netflix. Set at Christmas, the plot revolves around a mysterious woman named Helen. After the shadowy underworld of London targets her lover, Helen teams up with a past acquaintance to embark on a dangerous adventure riddled with diplomatic tensions. If you want to know when the series will premiere, you have come to the right place.
Here’s all the Black Doves release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Black Doves release date?
Black Doves could arrive sometime in 2024.
Netflix originally announced the development of Black Doves in April 2023 along with two other projects: Department Q, a drama series, and Bank of Dave: The Sequel, a feature film. Anne Mensah, vice president of content at Netflix, said at the time, “It’s no secret that the U.K. produces some of the world’s most iconic entertainment. This is true for Netflix, too – from Top Boy to The Crown, Heartstopper to The Tinder Swindler – our productions are some of the buzziest, most watched, and zeitgeist-defining in the world. We are deeply committed to the U.K.”
Production began in London in October 2023, with Sarah Lancashire, Ben Wishaw, and other cast members joining the project in the same month. Keira Knightley was already part of the project as the star and executive producer.
Barton revealed that he began writing the scripts for the upcoming series over 2022’s Christmas holidays, “fuelled by turkey sandwiches and discarded bottles of cream liquor.”
The writer-showrunner continued, “To be now going into production with a cast and crew full of people whose work I admire so much is unbelievably exciting and I couldn’t be more thrilled to get to see this show come to life.”
It is unknown whether the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike will have any impact on production. If everything goes smoothly, the audience can expect the series to come out sometime in 2024.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have at the time of this writing.
The cast includes Keira Knightley as Helen, Sarah Lancashire as Reed, and Ben Wishaw as Sam. Some of the other members of the cast are Andrew Koji, Andrew Buchan, Kathryn Hunter, Sam Troughton, Ella Lily Hyland, Adam Silver, Ken Nwosu, Gabrielle Creevy, and more.
Where is Black Doves coming out?
Black Doves is anticipated to come out on Netflix sometime in 2024. ComingSoon will provide an update when the official release date is announced.
The official synopsis for Black Doves reads:
“Black Doves is the story of two old friends coming back together, finding trust in one another in a world where trust can get you killed and, ultimately, changing the course of each other’s lives forever.”