What Devil Fruit did Luffy eat in One Piece? If you are updated with the anime, we have recently seen Luffy’s Devil Fruit awakening, which he calls Gear 5. This might bring up some questions about what his Devil Fruit really is. Here is a guide on Luffy’s Devil Fruit.
What Devil Fruit did Luffy eat?
The beginning of the series shows that Luffy ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum-Gum Fruit), a Paramecia-type that makes its user a rubber human.
Essentially, Luffy’s body has the properties of rubber. He can stretch, twist, inflate, bounce, and more. He’s also resistant to attacks containing bullets and blunt weapons because it will bounce off him. Because of the Devil Fruit’s rubber properties, Luffy is also immune to electricity.
Thirteen years before the main storyline, Shanks and his crew stole the Devil Fruit from a ship guarded by CP9. When the Red Hair Pirates were spending their time at Foosha Village, Luffy’s hometown, Luffy ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi for dessert by accident while the Red Hair Pirates were at Partys Bar.
A Devil Fruit user can go through an “awakening.” In Luffy’s case, his awakening allows him to turn the environment around him into rubber, as seen in his fight with Kaido. Luffy is stronger and can fight more freely. Additionally, his hair and clothing turn white, his eyes turn red, and his heartbeat plays a specific rhythm. Zunesha calls this the Drums of Liberation.
Following Luffy’s Gear 5 reveal, we learn more about the origins of his Devil Fruit. Its original name is Hito Hito no Mi (Human-Human Fruit): Model: Nika. It is a mythical Zoan-type fruit. Nika is a warrior from ancient times, which slaves used to call the Sun God. Another title the fruit user gets is the Warrior of Liberation, which is linked to Nika’s legend.
The World Government has been trying to hunt down the Gomu Gomu no Mi for over 800 years. The Five Elders talked about how it’s like the Devil Fruit keeps escaping from them since Zoan fruits have their own will. They also called it “the most ridiculous power in the world.” Further details have yet to be revealed regarding the World Government’s deep interest in this fruit.
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