why is loki time slipping
Credit: Disney

Loki Season 2: Why Is He Time Slipping & Glitching Out?

Viewers of Loki season 2 may be wondering why he is time slipping and glitching out, and what exactly that means in the MCU. Here’s the need-to-know info about Loki’s movement through time and how it has impacted the show so far.

why is loki time slipping

Why is Loki time slipping in season 2?

Loki is time slipping between the past, present, and future following his encounter with He Who Remains.

It’s not yet clear why exactly Loki is time slipping, but it has allowed him to set things in motion in the past to see the results in the present. For example, by telling Past OB about time slipping, he is able to cause Present OB to create the Temporal Aura Extractor to prevent Loki from glitching out.

Narratively speaking, Loki’s time slipping is an interesting mechanic to tease the future events to the audience. In episode 1 we’re given a look at the TVA from the future, which looks worse for wear. Sylvie also appears, though it’s not entirely clear what she has been doing while trying to find Loki.

What does Loki time slipping mean?

Loki time slipping means involuntarily moving between the past, present, and future.

For Loki, time slipping is both a blessing and a curse, shoving him into scenarios that he’d rather avoid, but also allowing him to change the past to influence the future. However, it is chaotic as he has no control over where he ends up.

It remains to be seen just how big of an impact Loki can have on the timeline with his time slipping. For now, it appears that he has been freed of it, but there’s potential for the Temporal Aura Extractor to have had a different effect.

For more Loki content, here’s a list of actor Tom Hiddleston’s other TV shows and movies. Also, here’s the Loki season 2 episode 1 ending explained.

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