Gen V Episode 4 had a highly confusing end to it, and a lot of fans were left asking what exactly happened. Are you still thinking about what transpired and how Marie ended up where she did? Well, here are the potential answers you seek.

How did Marie end up in the bed in Gen V episode 4?
Gen V episode 5’s trailer on Prime Video hints at a possible memory wipe that happened at the end of episode 4.
Prime Video released a new promo for Gen V episode 5 revealing that everyone who was trying to stop Sam’s breakdown was impacted by an external force. Towards the end of the episode, Sam proved to be too strong for the entire group of super-students. However, Emma was able to subdue him by eating and growing bigger in size.
The last thing we saw was Marie saying that she and the others would protect him. However, her dialogue was cut midway and she woke up in bed beside Jordan. Her romantic angle with Jordan was pre-established. Therefore, her waking up in bed with him/her was a natural progression.
Howevr, what happened before that remains a big mystery for everyone. According to the episode 5 trailer, Jordan and others end up having gaps in their memories, as if they were missing a few days of their lives.
Earlier in episode 4, Marie tried to ask for Rufus’ help to find Emma. However, he tried to take undue advantage of her with his psychic abilities. Fortunately for Marie, Jordan distracted him and Marie instinctively used her blood-solidifying abilities to explode Rufus’ genitalia and escape.
The important thing to note here was that Rufus brought Marie from outdoors to his room by taking control of her mind. Furthermore, he was also present in the episode 5 teaser. It is therefore likely that he arrived at Dr. Cardosa’s place while Emma, Marie, and co were trying to calm Sam down. Being the only one with psychic powers introduced so far, he could have been responsible for their blackout and days’ worth of memory gaps.
In fact, Rufus could be working for Dean Shetty, with the latter using him to gain the upper hand against powerful inquisitive students. Rest assured, we’ll have more clarity when episode 5 arrives.
For more updates, learn about Gen V’s season 2 possibilities.