Created by Tasha Huo, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft is a Netflix action-adventure series based on the Tomb Raider video game series by Crystal Dynamics. The plot is set after the events of the Tomb Raider video game trilogy reboot by Square Enix, and is not connected to the 2018 film Tomb Raider starring Alicia Vikander. The story follows Lara Croft venturing into new regions about 25 years after her first excursion. In case you are curious about when Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft is coming out, you have come to the right place.
Here’s all the Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft release date?
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft is expected to arrive by 2024.
In January 2021, reports began circulating that Netflix had ordered two seasons of an anime-style series based on the Tomb Raider video game, to be co-produced by Legendary Television, Crystal Dynamics, DJ2 Entertainment, and Tractorpants and animated by Powerhouse Animation. In September 2023, Netflix released the first teaser trailer of the series and declared its 2024 premiere date at the inaugural DROP 01 livestream event.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have at the time of this writing.
The voice cast includes Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter) as Lara Croft, Allen Maldonado (Heels) as Zip, Earl Baylon (Sanctuary) as Jonah Maiva, and more.
Where is Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft coming out?
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft is anticipated to come out on Netflix in 2024. ComingSoon will provide an update when the exact release date for the series is announced.
The official synopsis for Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft reads:
“Follow heroine Lara Croft 25 years after her first adventure as she explores new territory.”