Mrs Sidhu Investigates is a crime drama series that is now available to watch and stream online. The series revolves around a high-end caterer, Mrs Sidhu, who has an interest in solving mysteries. She forms an unlikely partnership with local cop DCI Burton as she continues to solve mysterious crime cases.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Mrs Sidhu Investigates Season 1 via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is Mrs Sidhu Investigates Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Mrs Sidhu Investigates Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
The mystery series is based on a hit BBC radio drama of the same name. In each episode, the main character is seen taking on different cases with the help of her cop partner. The series premiered on September 18, 2023.
Created by Suk Pannu, Mrs Sidhu Investigates stars:
- Meera Syal as Mrs Sidhu
- Craig Parkinson as DCI Burton
- Naana Agyei Ampadu as DS Mint
- Gurjeet Singh as Tez
- Gordon Kennedy as De Vries
- Coco Prada as Oscar Hernandez
- Sara Stewart as Bridget Anderson
- Mark Ebulué as Dan King
Watch Mrs Sidhu Investigates Season 1 streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Mrs Sidhu Investigates Season 1 is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. The streaming service is host to a plethora of great shows and movies.
Mrs Sidhu Investigates Season 1’s synopsis is as follows:
“Mrs. Sidhu is a high-end caterer with a taste for crime. Recently widowed, she juggles her new catering business with encouraging her wayward son Tez to find his passion, all while serving up justice to those who believe they are above the law. Her forays into sleuthing see her form an unofficial partnership with long-suffering divorcee DCI Burton, who reluctantly accepts that together they’re an unbeatable crime-fighting duo, much to the bemusement of his partner, DS Mint.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.