Viewers will want to know if there’s an Expendables 4 end credits scene, or any mid-credits bonus clip to reward fans for sitting through the list of scrolling names. Here’s the need-to-know info about any post-credits scenes and whether or not you’re free to leave the movie theater once the scene fades to black.
Is there an Expendables 4 end credits scene?
No, there is no Expendables 4 end credits scene.
Just as The Expendables, The Expendables 2, and The Expendables 3 concluded without any post-credit scenes, so too does The Expendables 4. Once the credits start to roll, there’s nothing more to see, meaning viewers can leave the cinema and loudly air their thoughts on the high-octane action flick.
Ever since superhero movies started to include one or more end credits scenes, moviegoers have gotten used to waiting at the end of a film just in case there’s a bonus sequence awaiting them. Even when the genre doesn’t have anything to do with superheroes, viewers feel compelled to sit and wait. Alternatively, they can look up guides like this and discover that The Expendables 4 does not have a post-credits scene.
The Expendables 4 doesn’t wait until a post-credits scene to reveal any big twists and turns. Instead, plot twists are featured within the movie itself, which is arguably a better way to handle them.
Of course, you may choose to sit through the credits regardless, as paying attention to the list of scrolling names is a nice way of showing appreciation to the countless people who helped make this latest blockbuster movie featuring a huge number of action heroes.
For more Expendables 4 content, check out CS’ interview with the movie’s producers. Also, get a glimpse at the action in this Red Band trailer.