The Great Seduction (2023) is a Mexican movie that revolves around the residents of a forgotten fishing town and their need to make money for survival. They must convince the visiting doctor to sign a long-term contract in order to save the town from poverty.
Here’s where you can watch The Great Seduction online.
Where can you watch and stream The Great Seduction?
You can watch and stream The Great Seduction on Netflix.
The heartwarming yet comic film is exclusively available on the streamer via subscription. The movie was directed by Celso R. García and was released on August 30, 2023. It is a remake of the 2003 film Seducing Doctor Lewis.
Directed by Don McKellar, The Great Seduction stars:
- Memo Villega as Germán
- Pierre Louis as Mateo
- Yalitza Aparicio as Ana
- Eligio Meléndez as Simon
- Julio Casado as Benjamin
- Hector Jimenez as Jorge
- Mercedes Hernandez as Alba
- Paola Perez Flores as Consuelo
- Baltimore Beltran as Joaquin
How to watch The Great Seduction and stream online
Viewers must create a Netflix account to watch and stream The Great Seduction online. The process is simple.
Visit the Netflix website, choose a preferable subscription plan, enter your email address and password, and select a payment method to register and make an account on the streamer. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel the subscription plan anytime.
Netflix provides three types of subscription plans, which are as follows:
- Standard Plan (with ads): It costs $6.99/month. This plan will support up to two devices.
- Standard Plan (without ads): It costs $15.49/month and is an ad-free option.
- Premium Plan: It costs $19.99/month and supports four devices simultaneously.
The official synopsis for The Great Seduction reads:
“When a golden opportunity arises to boost the fortunes of a forgotten fishing town, its residents set out to trick their way into making it happen.”