Walt Disney’s 1936 animated short film Mickey’s Rival features the classic characters Mickey and Minnie Mouse, alongside introducing Mortimer Mouse. The film follows Mortimer and Mickey’s hilarious rivalry as they compete for Minnie’s affection.
Here’s where you can watch Mickey’s Rival online.
Where can you watch and stream Mickey’s Rival?
You can watch and stream Mickey’s Rival on Disney Plus. The film was directed by Wilfred Jackson and was released on June 20, 1936.
The film features the voices of Walt Disney himself as Mickey Mouse, Marcellite Garner as Minnie Mouse, and Sonny Dawson as Mortimer Mouse.
How to watch Mickey’s Rival and stream online
This film and many other classic Disney animated shorts can be watched and streamed online by getting a Disney Plus subscription, where it is streamed exclusively. Following are the standard plans that you can choose from, listed with their current prices:
- $7.99/month for a Basic Monthly Disney Plus (with ads)
- $10.99/month for a Premium Monthly Disney Plus (ad-free)
- $109.99/year for a Premium Annual Disney Plus (ad-free)
- $12.99/month for a basic Disney Bundle Trio with ads (Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+)
- $19.99/month for a premium ad-free Disney Bundle Trio (Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+)
The official synopsis for the film reads:
“Minnie’s old friend, Mortimer Mouse, drops in on Mickey and Minnie’s picnic. His practical jokes and coming on to Minnie soon have Mickey stewing, and their car isn’t happy either. When Mortimer gets a nearby bull enraged and takes off, the car comes to the rescue after Mickey gets tangled up in a red blanket.”