Released in 1940, Walt Disney’s animated short film Donald’s Dog Laundry follows the iconic Disney character Donald Duck as he tries to run a dog wash, but the mischievous dog, Pluto, makes things comically chaotic.
Here’s where you can watch the film online.
Where can you watch and stream Donald’s Dog Laundry?
You can watch and stream Donald’s Dog Laundry on Disney Plus. The film was released on April 5, 1940, and has a runtime of eight minutes.
The short movie was directed by Jack King, one of the most celebrated animators of Walt Disney Productions. In the movie, Donald Duck is voiced by the character’s original voice actor, Clarence Nash, and Lee Millar voices Pluto.
How to watch Donald’s Dog Laundry and stream online
To watch and stream this film and all other Disney animated shorts, viewers must sign up for a Disney Plus or Disney Plus Bundle subscription by heading over to their official app or website. The streaming service is offering the below-mentioned plans to choose from, listed with their current prices. It should be noted that the prices have been increased after October 12 of this year.
- A Monthly Disney Plus with ads for $7.99 per month
- An ad-free Monthly Disney Plus for $10.99 per month
- An ad-free Annual Disney Plus for $109.99 per year
- A Disney Bundle Trio with ads (with Hulu and ESPN+) for $12.99 per month
- An ad-free Disney Bundle Trio (with Hulu and ESPN+) for $19.99 per month
The official synopsis for the film reads:
“With a rubber bone as a lure, Donald Duck tries to entice Pluto to try his mechanical dog washer. When the bone gives Pluto trouble, Donald tries a toy cat as a lure only to unexpectedly fall into the washer himself, get scrubbed, and then hung out on the line to dry.”