If you’re looking to watch and stream The Two Bills: 30 for 30, look no further, as we have all the details right here for you. The movie documents the story of the relationship between legendary NFL coaches Bill Parcells and Bill Belichick. It revolves around their friendship, their Super Bowl successes, and standing opposite each other.
Here’s where you can watch The Two Bills: 30 for 30 online.
Where can you watch and stream The Two Bills: 30 for 30?
You can watch and stream The Two Bills: 30 for 30 on Disney Plus. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription. It was released on February 1, 2018.
Ken Rodgers serves as the director of the movie, with Bill Parcels and Bill Belichick being featured as themselves.
How to watch The Two Bills: 30 for 30 and stream online
You will have to get a subscription to Disney Plus to watch and stream The Two Bills: 30 for 30.
The official synopsis for The Two Bills: 30 for 30 reads:
“Bill Belichick will one day join Bill Parcells in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. When the time comes, they’ll have far more in common than a place in Canton-or a first name. The Two Bills, directed by Ken Rodgers and produced by NFL Films, traces the four-decade relationship between these two coaching masters. They first met when Belichick was a teenager and his father was coaching for Navy while Parcells was coaching at Army. On the same day in 1979, they became assistants with the New York Giants, and after Parcells took over as head coach, they won two Super Bowls together. Buttressed by what he learned from Parcells, Belichick would go on to win five Super Bowls of his own with the Patriots. Through all the ups and downs of their careers, including some memorable games when they were on opposite sides of the field, they forged a bond that few men of their stature have ever experienced. Two Bills, but one epic story.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.