In their original feature film debut, The Muppet Movie, Kermit the Frog and his Muppet friends decide to try their luck in Hollywood and so, embark on a road trip towards their dream. However, a bigger challenge follows him as the owner of a restaurant that sells frog legs has set their eyes on Kermit. Watch to find out if they can escape the wicked merchant and make it to Hollywood.
Here’s where you can watch The Muppet Movie online.
Where can you watch and stream The Muppet Movie?
You can watch and stream The Muppet Movie on Disney Plus.
The musical comedy movie is directed by James Frawley and written by Jerry Juhl and Jack Burns. It was released in 1979 and won several awards that year. The cast includes Jim Hensen as Kermit the Frog, Frank Oz as Miss Piggy, Jerry Nelson as Floyd Pepper, Richard Hunt as Scooter, Dave Goelz as The Great Gonzo, and Charles Durning as Doc Hopper.
How to watch The Muppet Movie and stream online
You can watch & stream The Muppet Movie online by getting a Disney Plus subscription through its website or application. All you need to do is follow the steps below:
- Go to the Disney Plus website or install the application.
- Click on ‘Sign Up Now’.
- Select a preferable subscription plan.
- Enter your email address and password.
- Pick a payment method to register.
- Create an account.
Disney Plus gives you access to a large number of movies and TV series created by Disney, Pixar, Marvel, 21st Century, and Lucasfilm. It also offers three distinct subscription plans to meet your requirements:
- Monthly Subscription Package with ads- $7.99/month.
- Ad-free Monthly Subscription Package- $10.99/month.
- Ad-free Annual Subscription Package- $109.99/year.
- Disney Plus, Hulu, and ESPN Plus bundle with ads- $12.99/month.
- Ad-free Disney Plus, Hulu, and ESPN Plus bundle- $19.99/month.
The official synopsis for The Muppet Movie reads:
“A Hollywood agent persuades Kermit the Frog to pursue a career in Hollywood. On his way there he meets his future muppet crew while being chased by the desperate owner of a frog-leg restaurant!”