Looking to watch and stream Sheriff Callie’s Wild West? We have all the information you need to stream it. Join Sheriff Callie, her trusty horse Sparky, and her pals Toby the Cactus and Deputy Peck the woodpecker as they come to the rescue and lay down the law in the frontier town of ‘Nice and Friendly Corners.’
Here’s where you can watch Sheriff Callie’s Wild West online.
Where can you watch and stream Sheriff Callie’s Wild West?
You can watch and stream Sheriff Callie’s Wild West on Disney Plus. The series ran from December 2013 to February 2017.
Sheriff Callie’s Wild West features a talented voice cast that brings its delightful characters to life. Here are some of the key voice actors in the series:
- Mandy Moore as Sheriff Callie – Mandy Moore lends her voice to the courageous and kind-hearted Calico cat who serves as the sheriff of “Nice and Friendly Corners.”
- Lucas Grabeel as Deputy Peck – Lucas Grabeel provides the voice for Deputy Peck, the woodpecker who assists Sheriff Callie in maintaining law and order.
- Jessica DiCicco as Toby – Jessica DiCicco voices Toby, the friendly cactus who is one of Sheriff Callie’s trusty sidekicks.
The series also presents a number of other talented voice actors.
How to watch Sheriff Callie’s Wild West and stream online
To watch Sheriff Callie’s Wild West, viewers need to subscribe to Disney Plus.
The official synopsis for Sheriff Callie’s Wild West reads:
“A kids’ western centered on a kitty-cat sheriff whose job is to ensure that the town of Nice and Friendly Corners remains the friendliest town in the West.”