Want to know where to watch Under the Sea: A Descendants Short Story online? We have all the streaming details right here. Under the Sea: A Descendants Story is a special 10-minute short film from the franchise that is available to watch and stream online. The film features the return of Mal, Uma, and Dizzy’s characters. Mal battles Uma, who possesses Dizzy through a necklace. However, the battle turns out to be a daydream Mal is having. As she prepares to return to Auradon, the two friends hear voices from a seashell necklace. Afraid that something dangerous could happen, they leave the place with Dizzy stepping on Uma’s necklace.
Here’s where you can watch Under the Sea: A Descendants Short Story online.
Where can you watch and stream Under the Sea: A Descendants Short Story?
You can watch and stream Under the Sea: A Descendants Short Story on Disney Plus.
The 2018 short film is currently available for streaming on Disney+ via subscription.
Directed by Hasraf Dulull, Under the Sea: A Descendants Story stars:
- Dove Cameron as Mal, daughter of Maleficent
- China Anne McClain as Uma, daughter of Ursula
- Thomas Doherty as Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook
- Dylan Playfair as Gil, son of Gaston
- Anna Cathcart as Dizzy Tremaine, daughter of Drizella Tremaine
How to watch Under the Sea: A Descendants Story and stream online
To watch and stream Under the Sea: A Descendants Story online, viewers have to buy a Disney+ subscription plan.
The subscription process is simple.
- Visit the Disney+ website.
- Choose a preferable subscription plan.
- Fill in the required details and complete the payment.
The most affordable subscription plan on Disney+ costs $7.99 per month, but it comes with ads. If you want to go with the ad-free option, you can choose the $10.99 monthly plan or subscribe for a year at $109.99. Once you subscribe to Disney+, you can stream various shows and movies from different genres.
The official synopsis for Under the Sea: A Descendants Story reads:
“Mal emerges from the shadows of a mystical forest onto a dark coastline where she crosses paths with Dizzy.”