If you’re looking to watch and stream Mack Wrestles: 30 for 30, look no further, as we have all the details right here for you. The movie documents the story of Mack Beggs, a transgender high school wrestler from Euless, Texas. He is asked to compete under the gender he was assigned at birth rather than how he identifies.
Here’s where you can watch Mack Wrestles: 30 for 30 online.
Where can you watch and stream Mack Wrestles: 30 for 30?
You can watch and stream Mack Wrestles: 30 for 30 on Disney Plus. The movie was directed by Erin Sanger and Taylor Hess. It has a runtime of 26 minutes.
Mack Beggs stars in the movie, which was released on March 8, 2019.
How to watch Mack Wrestles: 30 for 30 and stream online
You will have to get a subscription to Disney Plus to watch and stream Mack Wrestles. To sign up, open the Disney Plus website on your browser, select “SIGN UP NOW,” enter your email address and password, choose a subscription plan that best suits your needs, make your payment, and enjoy streaming the movie.
The official synopsis for Mack Wrestles: 30 for 30 reads:
“Mack Beggs loved wrestling—it gave him a sense of purpose and a sense of self. “Mack Wrestles” takes the audience behind the scenes as this gifted athlete from Euless, Texas, struggles against the outside forces that stigmatize transgender athletes.”