If you want to know where to watch and stream The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, look no further, as we have all the details for you. The movie revolves around Benjamin Button, who was born under unusual circumstances and ages in reverse.
Here’s where you can watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button online.
Where can you watch and stream The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?
You can watch and stream The Curious Case of Benjamin Button on Paramount Plus. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
The cast includes Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button, Cate Blanchett as Daisy, Tilda Swinton as Elizabeth Abbott, Julia Ormond as Caroline, Faune Chambers Watkin as Dorothy Baker, Elias Koteas as Monsieur Gateau, Donna Duplantier as Blanche Devereux, Jacob Tolano as Martin Gateau, and others.
How to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and stream online
You must get a subscription to Paramount Plus to watch and stream The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. To sign up, log in/create your account, enter your details, including your email address and password, choose a subscription plan, pay, and enjoy streaming the movie.
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Paramount Plus offers two subscription plans – Paramount+ Essential at $5.99 a month or $59.99 annually and Paramount+ with SHOWTIME at $11.99 monthly or $119.99 annually.
The film’s official synopsis reads:
“Benjamin Button is born with a unique condition that causes him to age backwards. Problems arise when he falls in love, as he continues to get younger while the love of his life grows older.”
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