Liz & Dick

Liz & Dick: Where to Watch & Stream Online

If you’re looking to watch and stream Liz & Dick (2012), look no further, as we have all the details right here for you. The movie documents the lives of Hollywood royalty Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton as they begin a rollercoaster romance. Over time, from meeting at a party, they go on to build a deep relationship, all leading to the damage to their marriages.

Here’s where you can watch Liz & Dick online.

Where can you watch and stream Liz & Dick?

You can watch and stream Liz & Dick on Disney Plus. The movie was released on November 25, 2012, and was directed by Llyod Kramer.

The cast includes Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor, Grant Bowler as Richard Burton, Theresa Russell as Sara Taylor, David Hunt as Ifor Jenkins, Bruce Nozick as Bernard, Tanya Franks as Sybil Burton, Charles Shaughnessy as Anthony Asquith, David Eigenberg as Ernest Lehman, and others.

How to watch Liz & Dick and stream online

You will have to get a Disney Plus subscription to watch and stream Liz & Dick.

The official synopsis for Liz & Dick reads:

“On the set of Cleopatra, Hollywood’s most beautiful star, Elizabeth Taylor, fell into the arms of one of the world’s greatest actors, Richard Burton – and she didn’t leave. Their subsequent white-hot, scandalous love affair gave rise to the paparazzi and they became the most hunted and photographed couple on earth. Their rocky, passionate, relationship, born in front of the cameras, was subsequently captured in a series of films, including The V.I.P.s and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The last of the great, extravagant stars, flaunting diamonds, yachts and private planes, they continually seized the headlines. They even divorced and married again – only to divorce again – but remain in each other’s hearts. This Elizabeth Taylor – Richard Burton story is a no-holds barred account of their undying, but impossible love.”

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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