If you’re looking to watch and stream Lemonade Mouth, look no further as we have all the details right here for you. The movie revolves around five high school students, who try to overcome a variety of obstacles to form a rock band and become the voice of their generation. But it isn’t easy at all.
Here’s where you can watch Lemonade Mouth online.
Where can you watch and stream Lemonade Mouth?
You can watch and stream Lemonade Mouth on Disney Plus.
The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
The cast includes Bridgit Mendler as Olivia, Adam Hicks as Wen, Hayley Kiyoko as Stella, Naomi Scott as Mohini, Blake Michael as Charlie, Nick Roux as Scott, Chris Brochu as Ray, Shishir Kurup as Mo’s Father, Tisha Campbell as Miss Reznick, Christopher McDonald as Principal Brenigan, and others.
How to watch Lemonade Mouth and stream online
You will have to get a subscription to Disney Plus to watch and stream Lemonade Mouth. To sign up, open the Disney Plus website on your browser, select “SIGN UP NOW”, enter your email address and password, choose a subscription plan according to your needs, make the payment, and enjoy streaming the movie.
Disney Plus offers three different subscription plans for you to choose from – a basic plan with ads at $7.99 a month, a premium ad-free plan at $10.99 a month, or $109.99 a year.
The official synopsis for Lemonade Mouth reads:
“When five ragtag freshmen first meet in detention, it seems they have nothing in common. But through music, they form an unbreakable bond and discover they have the makings of the greatest high school garage band in history. Olivia, Stella, Wen, Mohini and Charlie will need to learn to lean on each other if they want to book the gig of their dreams.”
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