TaleSpin is a 1990 American animated series that adapts characters from Disney’s The Jungle Book franchise, in particular Baloo the Bear, Louie the Orangutan, and Shere Khan the Tiger. All episodes of the series focus on Baloo and his comedic adventures with his friend Kit Cloudkicker. Baloo also deals with problems related to his failing company, which is eventually brought by Rebecca Cunningham and her daughter, Molly.
Here’s where you can watch TaleSpin online.
Where can you watch and stream TaleSpin?
You can watch and stream TaleSpin online on Disney Plus.
TaleSpin features the voice talents of Ed Gilbert as Baloo, Sally Struthers as Rebecca Cunningham, R.J. Williams as Kit Cloudkicker, Pat Fraley as Wildcat, Jim Cummings as Louie, Charlie Adler as Mad Dog, Chuck McCann as Dumptruck, Frank Welker as Wildey Pole, Tony Jay as Shere Khan, and Jack Angel as High Marshal.
How to watch and stream TaleSpin online
Viewers who want to watch and stream TaleSpin online must subscribe to Disney Plus. This can be done through the Disney Plus application or an online browser. To sign up for Disney Plus, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Open the Disney Plus application or website.
- Click on “SIGN UP NOW”.
- Enter your mobile number/e-mail address.
- Enter your password.
- Choose a subscription plan.
- Make an in-app purchase.
- Click on “START WATCHING” and enjoy your subscription.
Viewers who subscribe to Disney Plus gain access to various films and television shows that are a part of Disney’s vast streaming library. A Disney Plus subscription comes in three distinct tiers:
- A $7.99 monthly basic plan that supports ads.
- A $10.99 monthly premium plan that is ad-free. This plan will be priced at $13.99 a month from October 12, 2023, onwards.
- A $109.99 yearly premium plan that is ad-free.
The official synopsis for TaleSpin reads:
“Baloo the Bear stars in an adventurous comedy of love and conflict with his friend Kit Cloudkicker. Rebecca Cunningham and her daughter Molly purchase Baloo’s failing company and Baloo must fly transport runs to clear his debt while dodging Don Karnage and his sky pirates.”
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