If you’re looking to watch and stream The Kid Who Would Be King (2019), look no further, as we have all the details right here for you. The movie revolves around 12-year-old boy Alex and his friends who fight an evil sorceress with the help of King Arthur’s sword, Excalibur, in order to save the world from her evil notions.
Here’s where you can watch The Kid Who Would Be King online.
Where can you watch and stream The Kid Who Would Be King?
You can watch and stream The Kid Who Would Be King on Disney Plus. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription. It was directed by Joe Cornish and was released on January 25, 2019.
The cast includes Louis Ashbourne Serkis as Alex, Denise Gough as Mary, Dean Chaumoo as Bedders, Tom Taylor as Lance, Rhianna Dorris as Kaye, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett as Mr. Kepler,
Noma Dumezweni as Mrs. Lee, Rebecca Ferguson as Morgana, Mark Bonnar as Mr. Jeffreys, and others.
How to watch The Kid Who Would Be King and stream online
You will have to get a Disney Plus subscription to watch and stream The Kid Who Would Be King and numerous other films.
The official synopsis for The Kid Who Would Be King reads:
“Old-school magic meets the modern world when young Alex stumbles upon the mythical sword Excalibur. He soon unites his friends and enemies, and they become knights who join forces with the legendary wizard Merlin. Together, they must save mankind from the wicked enchantress Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors.”