If you want to watch and stream 48 Hrs., look no further as we have all the details here. The story revolves around a cop, Jack Cates, who pulls a bank robber, Reggie Hammond, from a prison on a 48-hour leave just to help him catch the robber’s partner Albert Ganz. Meanwhile, Ganz escaped prison and is on a killing spree to find half a million dollars.
Here’s where you can watch 48 Hrs. online.
Where can you watch and stream 48 Hrs.?
You can watch and stream 48 Hrs. on Paramount Plus. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
The cast includes Nick Nolte as Jack Cates, Eddie Murphy as Reggie Hammond, Annette O’Toole as Elaine, James Remar as Albert Ganz, Frank McRae as Haden, David Patrick Kelly as Luther, Sonny Landham as Billy Bear, Brion James as Kehoe, and others.
How to watch 48 Hrs. and stream online
You must get a Paramount Plus subscription to watch and stream 48 Hrs. To sign up, go to paramountplus.com, choose a subscription plan that suits you best, create an account by entering your full name, email address, and password, pay, and enjoy streaming the movie.
Paramount Plus offers two subscription plans for you to choose from – Paramount+ Essential at $5.99 monthly or $59.99 annually and Paramount+ with SHOWTIME at $11.99 monthly or $119.99 annually.
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The official synopsis for 48 Hrs. reads:
“A hard-nosed cop reluctantly teams up with a wise-cracking criminal temporarily paroled to him in order to track down a killer.”
For more, check out ComingSoon’s buddy-cop movie rankings.