The Incredible Journey, released in 1963, follows the adventure of two dogs and a cat who lose their way home when they are on vacation. The trio is set on an incredible journey, from taking care of each other to finding their own way to home and meeting new people.
Here’s where you can watch the film online.
Where can you watch and stream The Incredible Journey?
You can watch and stream The Incredible Journey on Disney Plus.
The 1963 drama is currently available for streaming on Disney Plus via subscription.
Directed by Fletcher Markle, The Incredible Journey is based on a novel of the same name written by Sheila Burnford. This heartwarming movie has a runtime of 80 minutes and was written for screenplay by James Algar.
The cast for the movie includes,
- Emile Genest as John Longridge
- John Drainie as Professor James Hunter, the father and husband of the Hunter family
- Sandra Scott as Nancy Hunter, the mother and wife of the Hunter family
- Marion Finlayson as Elizabeth Hunter, the daughter and sister of the Hunter family
- Ronald Cohoon as Peter Hunter, the son and brother of the Hunter family
- Tommy Tweed as Hermit
- Robert Christie as James MacKenzie
- Beth Lockerbie as Nell MacKenzie
- Beth Amos as Mrs. Oakes
- Eric Clavering as Bert Oakes
- Muffy as Bodger, a Bull terrier
- Rink as Luath, a Labrador retriever
- Syn Cat as Tao, a Siamese cat
How to watch The Incredible Journey and stream online
Viewers can buy a Disney Plus subscription plan if they want to watch and stream The Incredible Journey online.
The subscription process is simple.
- Visit the Disney Plus website.
- Select a preferable subscription plan.
- Fill in the required information and complete the payment.
The most affordable subscription plan on Disney Plus costs $7.99 per month, but it includes ads. If you want the ad-free option, you need to go for the $10.99 monthly plan or subscribe for a year at $109.99. Once you subscribe to Disney Plus, you can stream many different shows and movies from different genres.
The official synopsis for the film reads:
“The story of three pets, a cat and two dogs, who lose their owners when they are all on vacation. Can they find their way home?”