If you’re looking to watch and stream Grand Canyonscope (1954), look no further, as we have all the details right here for you. The short animated film revolves around Donald, who visits the Grand Canyon. In the meantime, he becomes a bother to Ranger Woodlore as he narrates the place’s various attractions.
Here’s where you can watch Grand Canyonscope online.
Where can you watch and stream Grand Canyonscope?
You can watch and stream Grand Canyonscope on Disney Plus. The movie, directed by Charles A. Nichols, has a runtime of seven minutes and was released on December 23, 1954.
Clarence Nash lends his voice to Donald Duck, James MacDonald to Mountain Lion, and Bill Thompson as Ranger J. Audubon Woodlore. Milt Schaffer and Nick George are the writers of the film.
How to watch Grand Canyonscope and stream online
You will have to get a subscription to Disney Plus to watch and stream Grand Canyonscope and many other such short films.
The official synopsis for Grand Canyonscope reads:
“Come along with Donald Duck as he visits one of nature’s masterpieces. After a little ragtime rain dance, Donald strikes up a conversation with himself at Echo Cliff, then teeters along the edge of a precarious trail while riding a sure-footed burrow. It’s a tough job for park ranger J. Audubon Woodlore to keep Donald in check, but it gets even tougher when they run afoul of a napping mountain lion.”