If you’re looking to watch and stream The Art of Skiing (1941), look no further, as we have all the details right here for you. The animated movie revolves around the story of Goofy, who gets dressed up, showcases, and teaches skiing techniques to his fans, including backward skiing and the classic ski jump.
Here’s where you can watch The Art of Skiing online.
Where can you watch and stream The Art of Skiing?
You can watch and stream The Art of Skiing on Disney Plus. The film was released on November 11, 1941, and has a runtime of eight minutes.
John McLeish essays the role of the narrator in the film, and Hannes Schroll lends his voice to Yodeler. Jack Kinney and Bill Roberts serve as the directors, and Leo Thiele and Ralph Wright are the writers of the film.
How to watch The Art of Skiing and stream online
You will have to get a subscription to Disney Plus to watch and stream The Art of Skiing.
The official synopsis for The Art of Skiing reads:
“Goofy, staying at the Sugar Bowl resort, demonstrates the basics of downhill skiing, which the titles and announcer insist is pronounced “SHEEing.” The equipment is, of course, of the era. As you can imagine, Goofy has much trouble keeping his skis parallel and pointing downhill. The final ski jump conveniently lands Goofy right back in bed.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.