If you’re looking to watch and stream Spin (2021) but don’t know where to find it, don’t worry, as we have all the details right here for you. The film revolves around the story of an Indian American teenager, Rhea Kumar, who lives in a multigenerational family and is passionate about becoming an EDM DJ.
Here’s where you can watch Spin online.
Where can you watch and stream Spin?
You can watch and stream Spin on Disney Plus. The film was released on August 13, 2021, and was directed by Manjari Makijany.
The cast includes Avantika Vandanapu as Rhea, Abhay Deol as Arvind, Meera Syal as Asha, Aryan Simhadri as Rohan, Anna Cathcart as Molly, Michael Bishop as Max, Kerri Medders as Ginger, Michela Luci as Debbie, Agam Darshi as Mira, Kyana Teresa as Naomi Eloi, and others.
How to watch Spin and stream online
You will have to subscribe to Disney Plus to watch and stream Spin and a host of other movies.
The official synopsis for Spin reads:
“Rhea lives with her tight-knit multigenerational family. After her mother’s death, she has been her father’s emotional rock, and her life revolves around her family’s restaurant, her eclectic group of friends, and her after-school coding club. Everything changes when she falls for aspiring DJ Max, and a long-lost passion for music is reignited. Rhea discovers that she has a natural gift for creating beats and producing music that blends her Indian heritage, but must find the courage to follow her true inner talent.”