Bearly Asleep: Where to Watch & Stream Online

If you’re looking to watch and stream Bearly Asleep (1955) but don’t know where to find it, don’t worry, as we have all the details here for you. The story revolves around Park Ranger Donald Duck, who sends his bears off to hibernation, but Humphrey prefers to stay in his hammock rather than hibernate and eventually gets kicked out for snoring.

Here’s where you can watch Bearly Asleep online.

Where can you watch and stream Bearly Asleep?

You can watch and stream Bearly Asleep on Disney Plus. The film was released on August 19, 1955, and has a runtime of seven minutes.

As it’s an animated movie, James MacDonald lent his voice to Humphrey the Bear and Clarence Nash to Donald Duck. Jack Hannah serves as the director. Al Bertino and David Detiege serve as writers.

How to watch Bearly Asleep and stream online

You will have to get a Disney Plus subscription to watch and stream Bearly Asleep.

The official synopsis for Bearly Asleep reads:

“Park ranger Donald sends his bears off to hibernate, but Humphrey would rather stay in his hammock, run out for a glass of water, etc., than sleep; when he does get to sleep, his snoring gets him thrown out. His search for a new bed leads him right into the ranger’s house.”

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