Bao (2018) is an animated film that focuses on a Chinese mother who struggles with loneliness after her child moves out but finds solace when one of her dumplings comes to life.
Here’s where you can watch Bao online.
Where can you watch and stream Bao?
You can watch and stream Bao on Disney Plus. The film was released on June 15, 2018, and has a runtime of eight minutes. The short animated film was directed by Domee Shi.
As it’s an animated film, a few stars have lent their voices to the characters, including Sindy Lau, Daniel Kailin, Sharmaine Yeoh, and Tim Zhang.
How to watch Bao and stream online
You will have to get a Disney Plus subscription to watch and stream Bao.
The official synopsis for Bao reads:
“An aging Chinese mom suffering from empty nest syndrome gets another chance at motherhood when one of her dumplings springs to life as a lively, giggly dumpling boy.”