If you’re looking to watch and stream Lamp Life (2020) but don’t know where to find it, then we’ve got you covered. The animated film documents the story of Bo Peep, who makes a comeback in Toy Story 4. The movie explains what happened to Bo between Toy Story 2 and her comeback in the fourth installment.
Here’s where you can watch Lamp Life online.
Where can you watch and stream Lamp Life?
You can watch and stream Lamp Life on Disney Plus. The film has a runtime of seven minutes and was released on January 31, 2020. It has been directed by Valerie LaPointe.
As it is an animated movie, many stars lent their voices to the characters. These include Annie Potts, Ally Maki, Jim Hanks, Emily Davis, Heather Hiatt, Carrie Paff, and several others.
How to watch Lamp Life and stream online
You will have to subscribe to Disney Plus to watch and stream Lamp Life.
The official synopsis for Lamp Life reads:
“Bo Peep explains what happened to herself and her sheep between the events of Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 4.”