If you’re looking to watch and stream George and A.J. but are unable to find it, we have all the details ready for you. The animated story focuses on nurses George and A.J. of the Shady Oaks Retirement Village, who witness Carl leaving his house towed by balloons. Soon, other senior citizens around the city try to make their own escapes.
Here’s where you can watch George and A.J. online.
Where can you watch and stream George and A.J.?
You can watch and stream George and A.J. on Disney Plus. The film was released on November 10, 2009, and was directed by Josh Cooley.
As it is an animated film, many well-known personalities have lent their voices to characters, including Jason Topolski, A.J. Riebli III, Steve Purcell, Peter Sohn, Bob Peterson, Kim Donovan, Claire Munzer, and Valerie LaPointe.
How to watch George and A.J. and stream online
You will have to subscribe to Disney Plus to watch and stream George and A.J.
The official synopsis for George and A.J. reads:
“George & A.J. is a short film created by Pixar which uses characters from the film Up to tell what Nurses George and A.J. did after Carl Fredricksen left with his house tied to balloons in the feature film.”