Those wondering if there’s a Twisted Metal post-credits, end-credit, or mid-credits scene have come to the right place. In addition to a clear confirmation of whether or not there is a bonus scene after the credits, we’ve also dived into the spoilers below the warning.
Does Twisted Metal have a post-credits, end-credit, or mid-credits scene?
Yes, Twisted Metal has a mid-credits scene.
The scene takes place at the end of the season, with the final episode having the only post-credits sequence.

What happens in the Twisted Metal mid-credits scene?
The Twisted Metal mid-credits scene features Sweet Tooth exacting revenge on Mike and Stu.
Mike and Stu are relaxing with drinks on a beachfront, thinking that they have gotten away with their lives. They believe that, after betraying the chaotic clown, they successfully killed Sweet Tooth by shooting and then running over him. However, that is not the case.
Somehow, Sweet Tooth survived. He then tracked Mike and Stu down. After immediately killing Mike with a slash from his machete, Sweet Tooth forcefully takes Stu with him. It’s not clear what plans Sweet Tooth has for Stu, but it’s not looking good for the ex-Agent Stone lawman and ex-Sweet Tooth teammate.
Does the season 1 cliffhanger set up Twisted Metal season 2?
Yes, the season 1 cliffhanger certainly sets up Twisted Metal season 2.
While it would be possible for the show to end here and leave the fate of Sweet Tooth, Stu, John Doe, and Quiet up to the imagination of the audience, there’s clearly an intention to continue the story of these characters in a second season.
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