Those wondering “How old is Nick Fury in Secret Invasion?” will find the answer here. Though the show focuses on Fury as the main character, he is long past his prime, making him more vulnerable against the Skrull forces that threaten Earth.
What is Nick Fury’s age in Secret Invasion?
Nick Fury is 70 years old in Secret Invasion.
Though he was born in 1950, which is 75 years before Secret Invasion’s 2025 setting, he was in limbo for five years during The Blip.
When Thanos snapped half of the universe out of existence in Avengers: Infinity War, those who went away did not age. Then, when Hulk snapped them back in Avengers: Endgame, they rematerialized at the same age. For example, if you were 20 when The Blip happened, you would be 20 when you returned, despite five years having passed.
While Nick Fury is past his prime, as we see in the show when assailants manage to outmaneuver him, he still proves tough enough to handle a bodyguard and escape from the meeting with James Rhodes.
Hopefully Fury still has enough in him to stop the imminent Skrull threat. At the time of writing, with episode 2 now available, Fury has found himself alone. Fingers crossed he can find assistance to help win the day.
How old is Nick Fury’s actor, Samuel L. Jackson, in real life?
The actor playing Nick Fury, Samuel L. Jackson, is 74.
74 puts Samuel L. Jackson at a slightly older age than his Marvel Cinematic Universe counterpart. However, if you include the years lost in The Blip, Nick Fury would be 75, which is closer to Sam Jackson’s real-life age.
For more Secret Invasion content, here’s why Groot appeared in the show. Also, here’s what you need to know about Rosa Dalton, the scientist helping Gravik.