Futurama is an animated comedy series. It follows Fry, who wakes up thousand years in the future after getting accidentally frozen. Fry’s sole descendent, an elderly scientist who owns small cargo delivery helps him to navigate through life in the future. Will Fry get used to his new life thousand years in future? You can easily watch and stream this comedy-drama online by following simple steps. Here’s where you can watch Futurama online.
Where can you watch and stream Futurama?
You can watch and stream Futurama on Hulu. This animated sci-fi sitcom is currently available to stream on Hulu via subscription.
The cast includes Billy West, Katey Sagal, John DiMaggio, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, David X Cohen, Phil LaMarr, and Lauren Tom.
How to watch Futurama and stream online
To buy a Hulu subscription, you need to visit the website and follow simple steps to sign up and make payment. The basic ad-supported Hulu plan costs $7.99 a month and $79.99 a year. If you want to enjoy your shows and movies uninterrupted then you can opt for an ad-free plan which will cost $14.99 a month.
The Hulu subscription will provide you with several advantages including access to exclusive shows and movies like The Kardashian. You can also stream other shows like American Horror Story with better picture and sound quality. The Hulu subscription plan will allow you to download shows and movies to watch later.
The official synopsis for Futurama reads:
While delivering pizza on New Year’s Eve 1999, Philip J. Fry is accidentally cryonically frozen and thawed out one thousand years into the future. From the creator of “The Simpsons,” “Futurama” is a sci-fi animated comedy.
For more Futurama updates, check out the reboot release date.