Season 5 of The Walking Dead shattered premiere records by attracting a whopping 17.3 million viewers and remains the highest-rated season on Rotten Tomatoes (90 percent). With some of the most shocking and plot-propelling moments to date, it’s no surprise. Here are some of the season’s biggest highlights.
- Bob’s Cannibalism Encounter
Episode two: “Strangers.” Bob gets bitten by a walker on a supply run. Later, he is captured by the Terminus survivors who, ignorant of his injury, cut off and eat his left leg. Upon discovering he’s dying, the survivors panic much to Bob’s amusement. Bob later dies beside Sasha.
- Splitting the Main Group + Eugene’s Reveal
Episode three: “Four Walls and a Roof.” For the first time since season one, Rick‘s group splits up with permanent intentions. Glenn and Maggie join Abraham’s group to escort Eugene to D.C. so that he can stop the virus. In episode five, “Self Help,” Eugene reveals that he never knew the cure. He lied about his past to save himself. Everybody’s hope simply evaporates.
- Beth’s Arc
Episode eight: “Coda.” This episode concludes the story of Beth’s forced stay at Grady Memorial Hospital. The group arranges a meeting with Dawn and her officers to reclaim Beth. But, when Dawn demands that they return Noah, Beth stabs her. Dawn instinctively shoots Beth in the head. This abrupt death is one of the most grievous since Andrea’s in The Walking Dead season three. Maggie’s arrival just as Daryl carries Beth from the hospital only deepens the sorrow.
- Tyreese’s Sacrifice
Episode nine: “What Happened and What’s Going On.” Just one episode after Beth dies, Tyreese gets bitten while shielding Noah from a walker as they investigate Noah’s hometown. Michonne tries to save him by cutting off his arm, but Tyreese dies en route to medical help. This episode marks Chad Coleman’s departure from the cast of The Walking Dead.
- Morgan’s Return
Episode 16: “Conquer.” For the first time in several episodes, Morgan reappears. Around the walking dead, Morgan was originally troubled and pacifistic much like how conflicted Andrea was with the walking dead in season one. But, Morgan has changed. His reappearance is a welcome throwback to previous seasons, but also a teaser for future ones.
- Michonne’s Sucker Punch
Episode 15: “Try.” This is possibly the crowning moment in Season 5 of The Walking Dead. To keep Rick from arguing with Alexandria’s leaders, Michonne punches him unconscious from behind. The punch is quick, confident and awesome, just like Michonne.
From deaths of beloved characters to villains for the next season of The Walking Dead that Morgan encounters in the season finale, this epic season surpassed all expectations. These highlights are just a few of the incredible moments which brought this show back to the top of the ratings charts.