Here’s the Final Jeopardy clue for today, Wednesday, March 19. The match on Tuesday saw Alex DeFrank, an inventory specialist, extend his Jeopardy winning streak to three games. No one was able to get the right answer for Final Jeopardy yesterday, so maybe that will change in tonight’s match, which will feature two new contestants: economics professor Ann Velenchik from Massachusetts and scientist Adam Silverman also from Massachusetts. Here is the question and answer for Final Jeopardy for 3/19/2025, in addition to the wages and winner for the match.

Final Jeopardy Question for March 19
The Final Jeopardy question for March 19, 2025 is in the category of “Historic Horses” (that’s an interesting one) and has the following clue:
Named for an 1807 battle & valiant in one 8 years later, Copenhagen was this man’s steed; society ladies donned strands of his hair
So that the answer isn’t spoiled, it’s located at the end of this article.
Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for March 19
Alex had a tremendous day and won the March 19 match with a runaway lead. After an incredible number of correct responses, he easily became the winner for a fourth time.
Collecting $37,400 by Final Jeopardy, Alex didn’t need to bet anything to win, but he did anyway. He was sadly wrong with his guess of “Trafalgar” and lost $10,600. Still, he adds $26,800 to his total, which is now an outstanding $102,400.
Meanwhile, Adam was the only one of the three to get the right answer, but he only had $13,000. He didn’t bet anything and came away in second place.
Ann couldn’t come up with a response but also bet nothing. She left in third place with $6,000.
Final Jeopardy Answer for March 19
The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on March 19, 2025 is “Who is Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington?”
The Duke of Wellington is most well known for being one of the officers responsible for defeating Napoleon in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo. He also participated in the Second Battle of Copenhagen in 1807 where he commanded an infantry brigade. His ability to fight against much larger forces using defensive strategies have made many call him one of the best commanders in modern warfare. Some lockets containing his strands of hair are kept in museum collections.