Final Jeopardy Today Clue March 17 2025 Question Answer Wages Winner
[Image Credit: Jeopardy / ABC]

Final Jeopardy Today March 17, 2025 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner

Below you’ll see the Final Jeopardy clue for today, Monday, March 17. New Jeopardy champion Alex DeFrank became the winner in last Friday’s episode and comes in with a staggering $42,401. He will hope to win once more against student Clare Murray from Ontario, Canada and content strategist Brett Aresco from Alabama in tonight’s match. Here is the question and answer for Final Jeopardy for 3/17/2025, plus the wages and winner for the match.

Final Jeopardy Question for March 17

The Final Jeopardy question for March 17, 2025 is in the category of “Toys & Games” and has the following clue:

Preparing for a course on descriptive geometry & researching the 5 Platonic solids led a professor to invent this

To give you time to solve this clue, we’ve placed the right answer at the end of this guide.

Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for March 17

Alex came behind to win for a second time in the March 17 match. He was the only one to nail the Final Jeopardy clue.

With an incorrect Daily Double in the second round, Alex only had $8,800 heading into the segment. But he earned an extra $5,200 with his right answer and came away with the win. His $14,000 today gives him a two-day total of $56,401.

Brett held the slim lead with $9,800 but guessed wrong with “Tetris.” This dropped his score by $8,000 and he ended with $1,800 for second.

Clare bet all of her $2,800, but lost it all with her guess of “Quirkle.” She left with nothing for third place.

Final Jeopardy Answer for March 17

The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on March 17, 2025 is “What is the Rubik’s Cube?”

The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube, then called the Magic Cube, is Erno Rubik, a professor of architecture, who patented his puzzle mechanism in 1975. The five Platonic solids is a polyhedron where are the faces are congruent, like a tetrahedron, cube, or dodecahedron. Dungeons & Dragons players will know these five solids as standard dice, specifically the d4, d6, d8, d12, and d20.

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