Here you’ll find the Final Jeopardy clue for Monday, November 11, 2024. As the only contestant who was able to get the right answer for Final Jeopardy on Friday’s match, writer Rachel Marcus became the new Jeopardy champion. That allowed her to make a comeback from third place to become the winner. For today’s episode, she will face off against medical writer Chris Spencer from Washington, D.C. and development engineer Joey DeSena from North Carolina. Here are the question and answer for Final Jeopardy on 11/11/2024, in addition to the wagers and the winner of the match.

Final Jeopardy Question for November 11
The Final Jeopardy question for November 11, 2024 is in the category of “19th Century America” and has the following clue:
It caused rich amusement that the name of this President, whose wife didn’t allow dancing, was similar to that of a dance
The right response to this clue has been placed at the end of this guide to prevent any unintentional spoilers.
Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for November 11
The November 11 match ended with Joey as the new Jeopardy champion. He was very close to having a runway lead, but due to very conservative bets from every contestant, he came away with the win.
After the second round, Joey earned a total of $18,200 and only lost $703 with his incorrect guess of “Madison.” He came away with $17,497 in winnings.
With $9,400, Rachel guessed “Rutherford Hayes” and bet nearly her entire total. She lost $9,399 and ended up with a $1. Similarly Chris couldn’t come up with an answer and risked almost all of his $8,000 total by betting $7,999. He also left with just a $1, with him and Rachel finishing in a rare tie in second place.
Final Jeopardy Answer for November 11
The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on November 11, 2024 is “What is James Polk?'”
This clue is quite difficult since it essentially asks contestants to know every president in the 19th century and then work out which one has a dance-sounding name. As Polk is close to the dance “polka,” that came out being the answer. James Polk was the 11th president of the United States, and his wife, Sarah, was a devout Presbyterian who disallowed dancing and other forms of entertainment.