Below you’ll see the Final Jeopardy clue for Thursday, October 31, 2024. Graduate student Joseph Carlstein came away with the victory in Wednesday’s match, becoming the new Jeopardy champion with $16,001. He will need to face off against accountant Greg Jolin from New Hampshire and translator Alicia Buffa from Quebec, Canada. Here are the question and answer for Final Jeopardy on 10/31/2024, along with the wagers and the winner of the episode.

Final Jeopardy Question for October 31
The Final Jeopardy question for October 31, 2024 is in the category of “Animals” and has the following clue:
The Aztecs called this animal ayotochtli, meaning a “turtle rabbit” for its rabbitlike ears & its turtle-like shell
The correct answer to this clue can be found at the bottom of this article, so that you have some space to work it out.
Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for October 31
Similar to yesterday’s episode, the match on October 31 was hotly contested, but Greg became the winner after getting the Final Jeopardy question correct.
Greg held the lead with $16,400 after the second round. He won an additional $7,601 with his wager and came away with the winner by just two dollars with a total of $24,001.
Alicia and Joseph were both tied with $12,000, so they were not far behind. While Alicia nearly doubled her total by winning a wagered $11,999, Joseph incorrectly guessed “hermit crab” and lost everything. Alicia ended up in second place with $23,999, and Joseph finished in third place with nothing.
Final Jeopardy Answer for October 31
The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on October 31, 2024 is “What is an armadillo?'”
This is a particularly easy Final Jeopardy question, as the armadillo is not an uncommon animal. Breaking down the components of the word “ayotochtli” in the clue, “ayotzin” means turtle while “tochti” means “rabbit.”
The armadillo’s leathery shell is made out of keratin with bimodal size scales and are not bulletproof despite the myth that they are. In a bit of trivia, Americans ate armadillo meant during the Great Depression and called the animal “Hoover hogs” as a way to blame Herbert Hoover for the economic crisis.