Coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 next January
A look at the sci-fi shooter in its pre-alpha state
Video of upcoming Mario, Legend of Zelda, Star Fox and more!
Developer Peter Bartholow talks about the upcoming game
The popular horror franchise adds a new dimension
Plus, the trailer for the upcoming Konami game
Tying into the Steven Spielberg animated film
Coming this fall to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and Nintendo DS
An in-depth look at the latest from Activision
The new system features a controller with a built-in screen
A new trilogy begins in 2012
The company's next generation portable entertainment system
Watch the new trailer and six minutes of gameplay footage
Spinning off from the 2009 J.J. Abrams film
The full six-minute opening is now online
"Part II: Dead Island Begins"
Featuring both The Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099
"Death will be our savior"
First image inside!
Watch 3 minutes of CG footage