Coming for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC
The writer and composer on the upcoming game
Get access to the exclusive "Battlefield 4 Beta"
The C-Virus turns global on October 2nd
The Merc get's his own game
And what characters to expect
"Bill's Safe House"
The new DC fighting game
The upcoming live-action digital series
Featuring commentary by Tore Blystad and Travis Barbour
Featuring the On Her Majesty's Secret Service mission
Follow-up could have more than just Batman
An interview with voice and character talent Camilla Luddington
Coming to stores on November 13
"Human Revolution" will serve as the primary template for the film
Coming to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U in 2013
The group of highly skilled assassins
And the release date has been moved up to August 21
The series will debut this fall
And Ubisoft announces Limited Edition details