Grand Theft Auto Online is getting a slew of new features over the next few weeks, according to the official website for Rockstar Games. We’ve already gotten 15 new stunt races and the March update will bring us a lot more. Everyone who logs in during the event period is going to get the limited edition Pink Jock Cranley Stuntman Jumpsuit. This update, however, will introduce “an all-new style of Stunt Races specifically designed to the extraordinary abilities of GTA Online Special Vehicles: the Rocket Voltic, the Ruiner 2000 and the Blazer Aqua,” the site tells us. The races will allow you to jump huge gapes and free fall. You can also create your own races.

This spring, we’ll receive more of the popular Adversary Modes, including a take on dodgeball called “Resurrection” and an homage to the era of 2D GTA called “Top Down.” Have a favorite car? The most requested classic Grand Theft Auto Online cars like Turismo Classic and Infernus Classic will be available. If you want to move your Xbox 360 and PS3 characters and game progress to Xbox One, PS4 and PC though, you’ve only got five days to do it. Later this summer, we’re getting a brand new update with new weaponized vehicles and new missions, so stay tuned! Rockstar also says that the updates that they’re bringing us come from user feedback. They’re asking fans to keep sending their thoughts to the GTA Online feedback page, so make sure you keep talking about what you want to see.
Are you guys excited about the upcoming update? What are you looking forward to the most in Grand Theft Auto Online? We want to hear your comments so post them below or tweet us @ComingSoonnet!