Looking to rival the success of former-owned publisher Namco’s Pac-Man World franchise, Atari has unveiled their role-playing game twist on an iconic franchise with PONG Quest, a new take on the classic tennis game with a story mode, online play and collectibles, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
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The virtual table tennis game gets a humorous RPG reimagining from original studio and UK-based developer Chequered Ink for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and online storefront Steam. The design duo are known for their work on the PC and mobile titles Spell Worm and Gyro Boss.
PONG Quest will see players control a brave young personified version of the classic game’s paddle as they journey through various dungeons based on other Atari titles including Asteroids, Centipede and more, with the main quest featuring RPG battles that combine classic gameplay with a modern twist.
PONG Quest is set to debut this spring on consoles and on Steam for $15.