Origins and Evolutions Sentinels
"Back in the Day..."
"A Giant and Deadly Threat"
"Master Mold, Creator of the Sentinels"
"Sentinels... Evolve!"
"The Roots for Days of Future Past"
"Night of the Sentinels"
"Sentinels Vs. Anime Video Game Characters"
"She's a Sentinel? Homina, Homina..."
"And Now, the Super Sentinel... Nimrod!"
"Bigger is Definitely Better "
"But Even Fake Sentinels Can Be Dangerous"
"Are You Kidding Me?"
"There's a Guy Piloting That Thing?"
"Ultimate Sentinels May be a Misnomer"
"LEGO Sentinel Shows Up at the Worst Times"
"Sentinels Invade the Multiplexes"