The Alamo

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Rating: PG-13


Dennis Quaid as Gen. Sam Houston

Billy Bob Thornton as Davy Crockett

Jason Patric as James Bowie

Patrick Wilson as Col. William Barrett Travis

Emilio Echevarría as Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana

Jordi Mollà as Juan Seguin

Laura Clifton as Susanna Dickinson

Leon Rippy as Sgt. William Ward

Kevin Page as Micajah Autry

Marc Blucas as James Bonham

W. Earl Brown as David Burnet

Dameon Clarke as Mr. Jones

Craig Erickson as Tom Waters

Stewart Finlay-McLennan as Dr. James Grant

Safia Gray as Ursula Alsbury

Kit Gwin as Mrs. Ayers

Tommy G. Kendrick as T. J. Rusk

Nick Kokich as Daniel Cloud

Estephania LeBaron as Juana Alsbury

Robert Prentiss as Albert Grimes

Nathan Price as Charlie Travis

Todd Reimers as Col. James Fannin

Special Features:

Walking in the Footsteps of Heroes

Deleted Scenes

Return of the Legend: The Making of the Alamo

Deep In The Heart of Texas

Audio Commentary with Historians

Other Info:

Widescreen (2.35:1) – Enhanced for 16×9 Televisions

Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound

THX Certified

French Language Track

French and Spanish Subtitles

Running Time: 137 Minutes


In 1836, Texas is in the middle of a rebellion with Mexico. Led by Gen. Sam Houston, the Texians wish to break away from Mexico and start a new Republic. However, Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana will not allow it and moves his army into Texas to crush the rebellion. Anticipating his attack, Col. William Barrett Travis settles into an old mission fort in San Antiono to make a stand. The fort is called the Alamo. A small portion of the Texian army as well as Jim Bowie and his volunteers support him. Also joining in the stand is the legendary Davy Crockett and his Tennessee Volunteers. Seeing a political opportunity in the emerging republic, Crockett instead finds himself in the middle of the life or death battle.

When Santa Ana attacks the Alamo, Travis and the rest decide to wait for Sam Houston and reinforcements to arrive. Unfortunately, Houston is unable to rally an army in time and the men, women, and children at the Alamo are left on their own. What ensues is a slaughter that will solidify the Texian resolve and ensure the eventual defeat of Santa Ana and his army.

The Alamo is rated PG-13 for sustained intense battle sequences.

The Movie:

Being from Texas, I have very high standards for any Alamo movie. I’ve had the history of the Alamo drilled into my brain from a young age and I’ve visited the Alamo in San Antonio on several occasions. Not even John Wayne’s classic Alamo movie lived up to my standards. So when I heard this latest Alamo movie was being made by John Lee Hancock, I was a bit skeptical. The trailers for the film didn’t give me any more hope, and neither did the negative rumors. The fact that the film was delayed five months or so wasn’t a promising sign either. So I went into The Alamo expecting a real dud.

After having seen the film, I’m pleased to say my fears were unfounded. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. I thought the characters were realistically portrayed and they got the historical facts as accurate as they could. I also think they explained the historical background of the situation enough that people unfamiliar with that particular piece of history could still follow what was going on.

If you start reading about the Alamo you’ll quickly find that every historian has a different spin on it. There are a lot of different interpretations about what happened and fact and legend are often intertwined. But I think the makers of this particular Alamo movie got the core story right. This isn’t a documentary, but the key events and details seem to be in place. The places where they filled in the blanks, like when Crockett is killed, seem to fit in with the rest of the events of the story. The characters are also really shown “warts and all”. While Bowie, Houston, Crockett, and Travis are revered, they are also shown with all their human faults. Houston is a drunk. Bowie is a violent hothead. Travis cheats on his wife and divorces her. Bowie and Travis are also shown to be slave owners. Crockett tells haunting stories about killing Indians, not bears when he was only 3. This film sorts through the legend to give us a glimpse of what the real men were like. The film also captures the little details like how Mexicans were fighting on both sides of the war and Hispanics were fighting Santa Ana just as much as Anglos. It’s a point that is often glossed over.

The cast in this movie is excellent. Dennis Quaid plays the surly leader of the Texian Army, General Sam Houston. Despite rebelling for opportunistic reasons, he still seems to genuinely care about creating a free republic and a land without oppression from a dictator. Quaid also transitions from drunk to victorious general pretty easily. He makes it believable. While Jason Patric’s character Jim Bowie is knocked out of most of the action due to sickness, he does have a commanding presence in the early part of the movie. He’s a strong character and it’s easy to see why volunteers would fall in behind him. Billy Bob Thornton is also very good as Davy Crockett. This is probably the most human portrayal of the man ever shown on film. Rather than being tough like John Wayne’s version or handsome and soft-spoken like Fess Parker, Thornton is just an average guy thrown into extraordinary circumstances. However, his strong character makes him stand out and is the basis for the legend surrounding him. Despite the famous façade, deep inside Crockett wants to run away to fight another day, and I think Thornton portrayed that well.

The surprise standout from the movie ended up being Patrick Wilson as Col. William Barrett Travis. I’ve never seen him perform before, but he pulled off Travis very well. His character is not a great guy. He cheats on his pregnant wife and divorces her. He is a rigid disciplinarian. He is bold, untested, and doesn’t inspire confidence in his troops. However, by the end of the movie you end up liking him despite his faults. It’s quite an achievement considering that Travis is not a guy audiences typically cheer for. I’ll be interested in seeing what else Patrick Wilson does in the future.

The sets for the film are excellent. The Alamo set appears very accurate (despite big hills in the middle of San Antonio) and the locations are genuine Texas scenery. The Hill Country looks like the Hill Country and the location for the San Jacinto battle looks like East Texas where I live. I’m glad they got that right. The costumes also looked great and set the feel of the era well. I also liked the music in the film by Carter Burwell. It didn’t overwhelm the movie, but the themes were nice sounding and helped set the mood.

Overall, I thought this was a well-made historical drama.

On the down side, the first thing I have to wonder while watching The Alamo is how non-Texan audiences will receive the film. I fully recognize that being a Texan will alter my view of the movie and I freely admit that. But it seems to me that many other people have little or no interest in The Alamo and others will be turned off in knowing that all the main characters are slaughtered by the end. It’s not a cheery movie. The film also has long, slow portions devoted to character development that can be tedious to get through. While that didn’t bother me, I can see how it can turn off audiences that are there only for the action. And since I already knew about Houston, Travis, Bowie, Crockett, and Santa Ana, I have to wonder if that was an advantage when watching the movie. Were they developed enough as characters for people that weren’t familiar with them? It’s hard for me to say.

Besides that, the movie makes a point of highlighting the blacks, women, and children at the Alamo. Hancock goes to great pains to show them leading up to the final assault at the Alamo, but he doesn’t show what happens to them afterward. From what I read, the Mexican Army spared the women, children, and slaves. That wasn’t shown in the movie, so you’re left thinking they may have possibly been killed as well. Other than that I have no major gripes about The Alamo.

The Alamo is a solid historical drama that I believe is as historically accurate as possible. I enjoyed the portrayal of Davy Crockett by Billy Bob Thornton as well. I’ll be interested to see how it is received in Texas and around the world.

The Extras:

There are a handful of extras included on this DVD:

Walking in the Footsteps of Heroes – This featurette discusses the real life Houston, Bowie, Travis, and Crockett. The actors and historians weigh in on their real personalities, stories, and such. It’s a good little history lesson and it enlightens you as to which aspects of the real men were highlighted in the film. It also shows clips of portrayals of the men in movies through the years.

Deleted Scenes – Most of the deleted scenes center on a sub-plot where Santa Ana woos a local girl and ultimately marries her in a bogus wedding ceremony. I don’t know if it’s historically accurate or not, but I imagine it was cut because it put Santa Ana in an even more negative light (if that’s possible). One other scene shows the defeated Mexican Army being taunted in Bexar (San Antonio) as they return to Mexico.

Return of the Legend: The Making of the Alamo – This is your standard “making of” video. They emphasize the historical accuracy of the elaborate sets, the intricate costumes, and the military procedures. They also discuss the casting and the special camera equipment that they used to do the epic, sweeping shots of the battlefields. Even if you’re not up on filmmaking, it’s still quite impressive.

Deep In The Heart of Texas – This short feature talks about how important the Alamo is to Texans and how seriously the cast and crew took the task of making the movie. It may seem a bit melodramatic, but as a Texan I can assure you that they aren’t overstating how meaningful the whole thing was to us. It’s nice to have the tip of the hat here.

Audio Commentary with Historians – Alan Huffines and Stephen Hardin provide the commentary for this film. They were advisors on the film as well as being authors and Alamo experts. Despite not including any of the actors or the director, their commentary is actually pretty interesting. They get heavy into the historical details of The Alamo and they point out what is accurate and what is not accurate in the film. If you’re into history then you’re really going to love this.

The Bottom Line:

The Alamo is a good historical drama that seems to be an accurate portrayal of what really happened. Strong performances by Dennis Quaid, Billy Bob Thornton, and Patrick Wilson keep things interesting. Historical buffs, Billy Bob Thornton fans, Dennis Quaid fans, and war movie fans should enjoy it.

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