What did you think of the show and winners?
2014 Oscar winners, with 12 Years a Slave winning Best PIcture and Gravity taking home seven Oscars.
Production is planned to take place over four-and-a-half months
Non-Stop and Son of God both open with more than $25 million
Opening Friday, March 14
Opening Thursday March 13
Although Jerome Sable had been directing short films for a few years, it wasn't until The Legend of Beaver Dam…
Opening Friday, March 14
Opening Friday, March 7
"She really deserves to be presented on-screen in her full glory"
"They're planning with me for a longer period of time"
It's Oscar Sunday and we're live blogging the 2014 Oscars Awards with up-to-the-minute commentary and winners and we don't stop…
Available Friday, March 7
Not since the beginning of this year have so many horror titles been added to Netflix Instant. Yes, there have…
The results are in and here are the final 2014 Oscar predictions from the readers compared to our official list…
Available Friday, March 7
Julie Delpy slams the Oscars saying the Academy is made up of old white men that "haven't done anything in…
The best of the worst?
12 Years a Slave tops with five awards
Imitation is just the start of a parody, which makes it hard to figure out the intent of this supposed…