Star Mark Ruffalo reveals the full title for the 2016 release
"Scholars of the First Sin" will include all DLC packs
“Penguins of Madagascar is a sure bet for anyone wanting to hit the movies this Thanksgiving holiday"
Michael Fassbender is currently attached to star as Steve Jobs
Universal has picked up the Aaron Sorkin-penned Steve Jobs biopic out of turnaround from Sony with Danny Boyle and Michael…
This week on DVD and Blu-ray pick up Stretch, The Expendables 3, The Giver, A Madea Christmas, The November Man…
"A riveting and emotional historical piece that bolsters one of the best performances of the year by Benedict Cumberbatch"
Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter makes her solo debut January 6 on ABC
One of the last theatrical releases I helped curate under the Shock Till You Drop/The Orchard distribution partnership is Preservation…
Predictions and preview for the weekend of Wednesday, November 26
The 2010 novel Monster Republic is being prepped for the big screen. Screen Daily says Komixx Entertainment has tapped writer…
In August, there were rumblings that Matthew McConaughey was being considered to play Randall Flagg in Josh Boone's adaptation of…
Ten Thirty One Productions announced the return of The Great Horror Campout - an experience Shock took part in earlier…
The working relationship between Gregory Levasseur and Alex Aja is explored in a new featurette for The Pyramid. The two…
Nintendo announces the title has sold 490,000 physical and digital units
Benedict Cumberbatch, John Malkovich, Tom McGrath, Ken Jeong
The great woman behind the man in The Theory of Everything
"You Only Enter Once"
The 12-issue series is eyeing a 2015 comic book reboot and a potential feature film version
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg follow up This is the End with their second directorial feature