In a time where originality has passed us and stories are retold in new ways over and over again it…
More changes to the Special Editions
Opening Friday, November 21
Opening Friday, November 21
Opening Friday, November 21
The latest DVD and Video sales results
His supernatural experiences
Infesting DVD and video shelves everywhere, Cabin Fever, the first film from writer/director Eli Roth, will debut on DVD and…
Guillermo del Toro's comic book adaptation
Sci-Fi Wire reportedly talked to Mr. Cruise about the production of Mission: Impossible 3, which was expected to begin production…
Starting on February 24 and then every other month
New releases and the box office prediction
Paramount lines up TV series on DVD
The new supernatural thriller
20 million units in its first 14 days
Just in time to celebrate the Pink Panther‘s 40th birthday, actor Steve Martin has signed on to step into Inspector…
Found on was a few images on just how makeup artists were able to turn the beautiful Charlize Theron…
On November 26, he'll be history
We rate the anticipated new releases
The Warner Bros. supernatural thriller