Big Hero 6, The LEGO Movie and more vie for Annies on January 31, 2015
The Kevin Spacey-led House of Cards returns on February 27, 2015
The Jason Statham action-thriller opens on January 30, 2015
Joss Whedon and his Avengers: Age of Ultron cast head to UK's Pinewood Studios for two weeks in January.
Also is Andy Serkis playing more than one role in The Force Awakens?
60 screengrabs from the teaser trailer for the December 2015 release
Natalie Portman will co-star with Michael Fassbender who is playing Steve Jobs
Mo-cap vet Andy Serkis discusses the work his company did on both Ultron and The Hulk
"They’re gonna be bitchin’," says Cameron of the Avatar sequels
Watch clips from all six Middle-earth movies before seeing The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies!
The February 13 release stars Colin Firth and Samuel L. Jackson
Tim Burton's longtime associate will set the visual tone of Rian Johnson's Star Wars: Episode VIII.
Joe Wright directs the lavishly fantastical take on Peter Pan
Star Mark Ruffalo reveals the full title for the 2016 release
Michael Fassbender is currently attached to star as Steve Jobs
Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter makes her solo debut January 6 on ABC
The extraterrestrial comedy Home stars Rihanna and Jim Parsons
A rumor purports to detail the plot of Gareth Edwards' Star Wars movie
Carey Mulligan stars in the adaptation of Thomas Hardy's classic novel
Robert Louis Stevenson's Jekyll & Hyde tale reimagined as an action adventure