Ayanokoji gets an unexpected reunion with his father. After exposing Chabashira’s motives involving him, Ayanokoji decides he’ll no longer actively…
The tables have turned after Otama meets Big Mom again. After finding out what happened to Okobore Town, the alliance…
The apartment renovations are finished, but MgRonald’s is still under construction. Maou and the others go to Nagano to work…
Albedo’s visit to the Kingdom ends with a declaration of war. It looks like Ainz has a few more tricks…
Himawari and the other class members decide to explore the Academy’s haunted tales. With the help of Kawaki and her…
The Paper Shuffle exam is done. Horikita wins the bet without needing any help from Ayanokoji. Now, Ryuen is determined…
The latest episodes focused on telling a bit more about Shanks, Uta, and their connection to Luffy. But now, One Piece…
The latest episode revealed more about Olba, his motives, and the demon realm’s current state. Maou and the others team…
The fight continues to heat up in the Sakurajima Colony, especially now that Naoya’s transformed. Kamo is determined to fight…
Operation Carrot and Stick doesn’t go as planned when Philip decides to move on his own. With that, Re-Estize is…
In the latest episode, Hana invites Team 7 as special instructors for her class. However, one of Boruto’s lessons doesn’t…
Class D starts preparing for the upcoming exam through study group sessions. To deal with Kushida, Horikita proposes a bet…
Luffy and Uta develop a great bond of friendship. However, Shanks and the others eventually return to Luffy’s village without…
The latest episode is packed with new information regarding the Demon Realm. However, more mysteries unfold as well. Who exactly…
Chainsaw Man Part 2 started with no sign of Denji just yet. However, the latest chapter showed Denji’s comeback, and…
The Sorcerer Kingdom successfully subjugates the Quagoa and the dragons. Ainz is proud of Shalltear for learning from this whole…
Class D faces yet another obstacle due to the next special exam. Even so, Horikita has come up with a…
In One Piece‘s latest episode, the series takes a break from the Wano arc. Instead, the episode focuses on the…
Maou is troubled since MgRonald’s and their apartment will be undergoing renovations. Thanks to the landlord, Maou gets a job…
Ainz successfully makes a deal with the dwarven kingdom. Ainz and his group begin their journey to reclaim the royal…